Sunday 4 December 2016

Time Flies

Hello dear readers,

I can safely say that I'm really not very good at keeping up with my blog.

So what have I been up to over the past 12 months? Well here's a quick break down:

  • Spent Christmas and New Years with family.
  • Attended a number of fancy dinners across the UK. 
  • Spent many hours in the cold doing bucket collections.
  • Spent many hours signing people up to the stem cell register.
  • Helping raise over £3500 for the charity Anthony Nolan and signing up 163 new people to the stem cell register.
  • Busting myths surrounding donating stem cells and bone marrow.
  • Attending various meetings and AGMs with Marrow. 
  • Holding 12 recruitment events (so far)!
  • Attended a number of birthday bashes.
  • Passed second year with a 2:1.
  • Trips around my beautiful homeland. 
  • Got a job in Canterbury.
  • Visiting Megan in Sheffield. 
  • Voted in as President and Recruitment Manager of Kent Marrow <3 
  • Awarded with the Community Volunteer of the Year award at the Kent Union awards.
  • Catching up with some old and new friends.
  • Trips to London.
  • Seeing The Phantom of the Opera. 
  • Attending many weeks of cadet camps.
  • Seeing Les Mis for my birthday.
  • Visiting Poland.
  • Kent Marrow winning the Communications award at the AGM. 
  • Countless hours of planning Marrow events.
  • Being bridesmaid for my best friends wedding.
  • Surprised my granda with a visit home for his birthday.
  • And many other things too!
It's been a pretty busy 12 months!

As busy as the last 12 months have been, the next 6 are going to be even busier. Third year is great but it is also extremely hard. This year has been the best module wise, with modules in cancer biology, haematology and blood transfusion, biology of ageing, virology, and others, I'm still really enjoying my course. I feel I've matured more as an adult now too, having taken on more responsibility in Marrow and in cadets, as well as having to balance an academic, work and social life, I feel a lit bit more prepared to take on the world! 

Until the next time, 
Catherine xxx

PS. Here's some pictures to sum up the past year.