Monday 26 January 2015

Finding our pet for next year....

It's been 20 days since my last blog post...terribly sorry about that. 

I've completed my first week back at uni and boy has it been busy! I've start two new modules: Human Physiology and Disease and Enzymes and Metabolism. These modules are the two I've most been looking forward too. Most people won't actually know this, but I am actually very inquisitive and love to know how things work, especially inside the human body. I've spent the past two days completing a Genetics and Evolution practical write up and it has really gotten me to dislike this subject very strongly...well I say that, but I really just don't like transduction (what the practical was based on); the use of bacteriophage P1vir to transduce a drug-resistance marker from one strain to another. 

Myself and my three future housemates for next year went into Canterbury on Friday with the intention of only going in for a few things and only staying for an hour or so. We arrived home roughly five hours later with very full and satisfied bellies! My friend Kirsty had a wonderful voucher that gave you a free, yes free, 200ml tub of body butter from the Body Shop. I am obsessed with this stuff so being able to get a free tub made me exceptionally happy; I love a bargin! I ended up getting the Honeymania, which smells divine. 
After reading an article about places in Canterbury to eat/drink in, I noticed a place called Chocolate Cafe. As the name suggests they obviously do hot chocolate, and claim to do the best in Canterbury. I gave it a try and they are correct. It was the thickest most delightful hot chocolate I have ever had (well apart from the hot chocolate my mum makes with cream and marshmallows!).
We decided to walk by our future house just to have another look (because we are all far too excited about it) and to also see what shops were along our street. We ended up spending what felt like hours in an exotic pet shop filled with the most beautiful snakes, lizards and some other creatures. I finally decided that the boa would be the perfect pet for next year; they didn't say we couldn't keep snakes! After admiring the wonderful animals, we had sushi in a sweet little restaurant along the road of next years house; it was so tasty. We all had very happy tummies afterwards! 

The wonderful Chocolate Cafe hot chocolates!

Tal's yummy tiffin

If you have a spare moment and fancy an interesting and, I hope to you, an inspiring read, check out my dear friend Megan's blog. Observations of a Fictional Girl

Until the next time,
Catherine xxx

P.S. I thought you would appreciate these pictures from back in Northern Ireland last week.


Wednesday 7 January 2015

New Year, New Me?

It's the start of a new year. A fresh start, a clean slate.

I know it's seven days into the new year already (I'm just terrible at keeping up to date with what day it is!), but I thought it would still be a great idea to think up my new years resolutions. I for one am terrible at sticking to them so thought that, after seeing what a friend of mine did last year, that I would make a list of different things I would like to do this year. The list will comprise of some personal things but I'll give you the 'normal' new year new me resolutions, all with (I hope) good reasoning behind them.

1. Get fit
For the past few years I've been trying to get myself into shape. I wouldn't be the kind of person who would obsess about my weight or how I look, but I've found (especially now with living up three flights of stairs), that I am seriously unfit. I had started boxfit classes and a tried a few others whilst at university before the Christmas break but with deadlines approaching at the end of term, I just didn't have time to attend the classes. But this year shall be different. I will get myself moving, get the heart pumping and do some exercise!

2. Be more organised
I always thought I was quite an organised person as I would always have my desk sitting perfect with every item having it's own place but now looking back, that's not the organisation I needed then or even need now. I want to have deadlines pinned on my board, have a schedule worked out for when work is due in, when I have different activities etc. Being more organised with my university work and other activities will have such a great affect in reducing any stress that I may have encountered by continuing with my 'I'll do it in a little bit' attitude/style of doing things.

3. Be healthier!
This is a major one for me, though I am currently typing this section whilst eating a small packet of Wine Gums!
Being a student and living away from home, I had got myself into a way of being so lazy with food that I would just have pizza or beans or something else simple and not incredibly nutritious for dinner because I really didn't want to make anything as it would take too much effort or time. I need to become more adventurous with food and just eat more fruit and veg. (will help with my getting fitter too!)

4. Love more
Telling someone you love them, be it a member of family, a spouse or a best friend, could mean the world to someone and really make their day. The end of October/start of November was a very difficult time for my family as my maternal grandfather ended up in hospital and unfortunately passed away. I struggled and continue to do so as I was in Kent (my family all live in Northern Ireland) and I just wasn't able to see my grandfather at all when he would have needed me the most. I never would have thought that just before I headed off to university in September that me saying goodbye to him would be forever: it will be something I will never be able to get over. But this year I'm going to start being more appreciative to the people who help me, telling my friends and family just how much they all mean to me and also to start spending more time with them (though that may be easier said than done at times!).

Those are my main goals of the year but I have other smaller things I would like to do this year and I will keep you posted of when I get everything I have on my list completed!

Hope you all had a wonderful and happy New Year!

Catherine xxx