Tuesday 30 June 2015

Eating, Baking and Running a Mile


A dear friend of mine from school (can find her blog here) has been creating a list for the past two years of things she wants to complete/do that year, so I decided to give it a go myself!
Some of the things on the list are so silly but are things I've possibly wanted to do for a long time:

1. Make someone smile
2. Run a complete mile
3. Make a meal with friends
4. Visit an art gallery
5. Blog more
6. Cook my family a meal
7. Read Game of Thrones
8. Have a confident jumping lesson
9. Try a new food
10. Have someone draw me
11. Start a new hobby
12. Visit a new Kentish town
13. Celebrate my 21st
14. Catch up with the gals
15. Buy a lottery ticket
16. Donate money
17. Take a dance lesson
18. Meet someone new
19. Have a friend come stay with me in Kent
20. Finish the Harry Potter series
21. Have a successful Marrow recruitment
22. Binge watch Friends
23. Make a pasta sauce from scratch
24. Try a new sport
25. Take more pictures
26. Bake a cake
27. Make a romantic meal for T
28. Take up French again
29. Bake a loaf of bread

Number 1 - This was possible one of the easiest things on my list, one I completed as soon as II completed the list as I showed it to Tal and he smiled just by some of the things on it! But if we don't count that one, one of my housemates was having an incredibly difficult time during the exam period so I just sat down and had a chat with her, she cried and I told her to think of fat cats; my way of dealing with people crying is changing the subject to something funny and just patting them...I am so bad with emotions and people!

Number 2 - I really wanted to get back into shape after barely any exercise and comfort food during the exam period, I decided to take up running again. This is quite a small one for many other people but I did it and I am so proud of myself for being able to complete this one, and in such a short period of time! I only started running again last week!

Number 6 - I completed this one on my second day home this term. I did do it with my brother but we made breakfast and lunch for the family because it was Father's Day. We made eggs and toast fr breakfast (we are incredible chefs) and a sausage casserole for lunch. It really went down a treat!

Number 9 - Dan and Kirsty decided that they were going to have a 'burger off' one night. Tal and I volunteered to be the judges (so glad that we did!) to see who would have made the best burger.
Dad made a proper man's burger with bacon and cheese which was to die for, I really did enjoy it. Kirsty opted for a gourmet burger with garlic, green pepper and my new food avocado. I really did enjoy this different burger as it's not something I would have picked for myself at all but the added avocado was lovely and the flavour was great! Yes the burgers were just between slices of toast but I can assure you that they were still very yummy!

Number 16 - I feel that it's always a great thing to give to charity, whether it be money or volunteering, and I always try to if I can, sometimes (especially when around campus this year) I don't actually carry any money with me and I always feel terrible for not giving... But I did get the opportunity to give to charity last term through the UKC Mental Health Group. They hosted various de-stress with dogs days with lots of lovely little Pets as Therapy (PAT) dogs. I was very lucky to actually get a slot with the adorable Maurice after donating money for PATs animals. If you'd like to find out more about PAT dogs and cats then click here!

He looked far too cute in his little jacket and even gave me kisses!

Number 18 - I was introduced to two lovely gals called Meg and Cristina by not only my housemate but one of my course mates/marrow buddies who is living with them both next year. They are both such lovely girls and I got to spend a really nice evening at a fancy bar called The Pound in Canterbury with them before the end of term.

Cristina, me, Meg and Elena before heading to The Pound

These are just a number of the things I'd like to do this year, no doubt I will have other this added on to the list over the next few months. It's an incredibly random list with something seeming very simple but they do say it's the simple things in life that make you the most happy!

Until the next time,
Catherine xxx

Song of the day: Defying Gravity from Wicked

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