Wednesday 19 November 2014

Oh the Excitement!


The past few weeks have been a bit of a struggle for me as being so far away from home (about 409 miles!) has had it's impact on me as I'm majorly missing my family and friends and some unfortunate personal family issues that have arisen. My work load doesn't exactly help everything but what can I do, I'm at uni now, it's to be expected!

For those that may not know, I'm currently studying Biomedical Science (I may have mentioned this already in a previous post). It is such a fantastic course that is really pushing my scientific knowledge to the limit, and even my limited maths knowledge! I honestly don't think I could have picked a better course to do, I totally recommend it to anyone who is thinking about a career in science, it's amazing!

This week really has been an exceptionally ordinary one, with nothing terribly exciting happening, so apologies for the rather short and probably boring post but I just thought I'd let you know I'm still here, busy working away. Oh, and sorry about the rather deceiving post title! But I shall make reading this post worthwhile with some wonderful pictures of pugs, enjoy!

Until next time,
Catherine xxx

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