Tuesday 10 February 2015

Another Day, Another Deadline...

Good evening dear readers!

I sit here at my desk after an exhausting day, having only finished lectures an hour ago. I've been feeling rather ill over the past few days and that combined with very little sleep is never good!

It's been just over a week since my last post, and a number things have happened over the past few days.

On Tuesday we carried out an experiment which involved using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), something I've only learnt about at school but never actually carried out the technique of carry it out myself. Thankfully all went to plan and I personally feel I did a pretty good job (if I do say so myself!). The overall aim of the experiment was set out in a 'who done it' situation where DNA was found at a crime scene and we had to essentially match up and work out who, if any of the three main 'suspects', had committed the crime. This set-up was perfect for me as I was finally able to put the many hours of watching CSI and NCIS to use; I felt like a real forensic scientist and maybe got a little bit too excited about it!

Thursday and Friday were the Refreshers Fair which entailed putting names down for various societies just so you could get sweeties, chocolate or other various freebies! I had previously become a member of Kent RaG and BioSoc, but decided to put my name down for Kent Marrow, Forensic Society, Kent Foodians and a few others that were, shamefully, just for the freebies (especially chocolate!). Kent Marrow are a fundraising group (I'm a member as of Saturday) that I am so excited to be a part of as they work on behalf of Anthony Nolan, a pioneering charity that saves the lives of people with blood cancer. ForensicSoc and Kent Foodians are rather self explanatory: the first about forensic science and the latter all about food! Both rather perfect groups for me to try and join.

Yesterday was a very exciting day as I managed to complete my essay! I'm glad to have my first essay out of the way and done but I've been told by a few of my housemates and my mum, who is a lecturer, to leave it for a week or two, come back to it and then go over it again. And I thought I would just be able to do it and then not have to worry about it...it goes to show that I haven't done very many essays before!

Today's practical involved enzymes and the effect of differing the pH on their activity. It involved using a spectrophotometer and 8 different pHs that had to be measured every ten seconds for three minutes each and then all had to be repeated. It was a very long, tedious practical that we now have various tables, graphs and averages etc to complete for next week.

I hope you've all had a great week!

Until next time,
Catherine xxx

Shuffle song of the week: Aaryn Doyle - What it Takes from Camp Rock (cringe!)

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