Saturday 21 February 2015

Love is in the air...

Good evening!

It's been quite some time since my last blog; apologies! I've just been kept so busy with practical write-ups and various other assessments that I haven't found the time to blog.
Since my last blog on 10th, quite a few fun and exciting things have happened!

One of the first big things I want to talk about in this blog is Valentine's Day. A day I always detested as teenager due to always being single. The past two V'days I haven't been which is lovely due to getting lovely roses both year, chocolates last year and being cooked a three course meal and taken out dancing this year. Valentine's Day was special to me this year due to it being mine and Tal's first proper date due to being in a long-distance relationship for the first year and a half; anytime we did spend together we did just normal couple things like going to the cinema or walking around the park or museums so it was nice to be able to have him (as he is rather old-fashioned when it comes to things like this) 'pick' me up from my door for our first date and a beautifully cooked three course meal. But enough of the soppy romance. As much as I enjoyed our romantic and adorable day together, shouldn't everyday be like this with your significant other? Why must we only have one day a year to appreciate what we have? Valentine's Day is so commercialised and, I feel, rather sad at times. I feel we should show our love and affection everyday, but that's just how I was raised. 
In addition to this, I think that anyone who was down about being single on the 14th of February shouldn't be. It may be called Couple's Day but it's really a day of love; a great day to love your self!
I'm going to stop with all the V'day stuff but I will add that the first people I said Happy Valentine's Day to were my beautiful and wonderful friends from school (big shout out and cuddles to you lovely ladies!)

The next big day was pancake day, which was amazing! Tal made such yummy pancakes, some of which we had with maple syrup and others were covered in chocolate with little mini marshmallows on top! I actually didn't take any pictures of them as I eat them so quickly I only remembered to take a picture after I had eaten them! 
Wednesday brought the start of Lent. For the second year running I thought I would try and give up junk food. It was going well until now...when I've just eaten cookies and more marshmallows! I appreciate and admire people who are able to give up something, whether it be for religious, health or any other reason, it's great that people have such amazing willpower! My Lent may not be going terribly well but I'm hoping that I can try to at least eat try to continue with healthier eating (with the hope of cutting out some junk food) and build towards a healthier lifestyle.

I have become good friends with a girl called Katherine (I know, how typical) on my course and I spent the night at hers on Thursday, with her school friend Steph. It was such a great night that entailed so many laughs and giggles and lots of facebook stalking old pictures of each other! We had a Chinese take-away as of course it was the Lunar New Year and it was delicious. Staying at Katherine's also allowed for us to complete our Statistics assessment which we both got 100% in! Getting that results this morning really put a smile on my face! Another thing that put a big smile on my face was the fact that Katherine actually got me a small present, which I wasn't expecting. Due to my love of pugs and her recent trip to Tesco, she saw and got me a pillow with the most adorable little pug on it. I love it so much I actually cuddled it in my sleep that evening!

The coming week looks busy yet again for me as I will be out three evenings and will be kept busy for four to five hours with Kent Marrow (you'll have to check out my next blog for that!). And now after just looking at my timetable for the next few weeks I have realised that my last chemistry lecture is actually this sad...not! 

And on that, I shall leave you with a quote:

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection ~Buddha

Until next time,
Catherine xxx

Shuffle of the week: Snow Patrol - Run (so many great memories of singing this song) 

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