Tuesday 31 March 2015

A Royal Engagement


I started writing this blog over a week ago (apologies for not finishing and posting it) but I've had quite a few busy days so have been finding it rather difficult to find the time to post, especially with deadlines and exams coming up.

Since my last blog, I've been catching up and getting on top of my lectures. I've been spending a lot of time recently watching them over again which is exceptionally helpful as you pick up the smallest things when you're able to watch/listen to them by yourself. Though it is a shame that only two of my lecturers actually record their lectures, but what can you do!

I had my first human physiology and disease practical on Tuesday (17th March), working with blood for the first time! Some might think it's rather gross but I was very much looking forward to it. We had to do a cell count of red blood cells taken from a diluted sample of pig's blood, separate white blood cells from the rest of the blood sample using density centrifugation and then count the white blood cells, identify and sketch a lymphocyte and neutrophil (two types of white blood cell) and carrying out a haemagglutination test to assess levels of antiserum activity using rat blood cells and anti-rat red cell serum. It was such an interesting experiment and one that I felt would be most beneficial and enjoyable as this is similar to what I would like to possible do after getting my degree.
It also happened to be St Patrick's day so I supported my beautiful country in wearing a green dress as I wasn't planning on doing anything else to celebrate as it's just not the same when you're away from home.

Our haemagglutionation test results

A look down the microscope!

Last weekend (20-22nd March) was the first weekend in the past few months that I've had to myself and it was so relaxing and wonderful (sorry Tal, I did miss you I promise!). It was spent doing work during the daylight hours on Saturday and watching various YouTube videos I had to watch up on from my favourite Vloggers and also watching one of my all-time favourite childhood films: A Bug's Life. It's been years since I've watched it, I'm so glad to have stumbled upon it again! Sunday was again spent doing some work, laundry and surprising Tal at the train station on his way back from London. I was rather shocked to learn that he had no idea that I would come down to meet him, which made it all the better. 
I had the wonderful joy of telling Tal all about Ireland winning the 6 Nations, of which I'm sure he loved!

Last week was filled with lectures, a practical and being spoilt by Tal. I was treated to dinner on Wednesday and lunch on Thursday. Tuesday evening was the annual general meeting for Marrow so I attend as this was the evening that speeches for candidates for next years committee were given. I decided to run for the role of recruitment officer as I feel that I already have good connections in various places that would enable me to find good areas have our recruitments. The week before was Marrow awareness week. We held bucket collections and two recruitments, one here at UKC and one down at the other university in Canterbury, Canterbury Christ Church University. It was a great few days as we managed to get about 70 people signed up between those two days and managed to hit our 100th new possible donor this year. This means that out of everyone signed up this year, statistically at least one of them will donate stem cells! Such an amazing achievement that I am so proud to say I was part of, considering I am one of those 100 people!

Me after I gave a spit to join the stem cell register

Our table all ready for possible donors

Thursday 26th of March is a day I will not forget for a very long time. Tal and I went into town at about 12 noon and didn't return until 5pm. We went to chocolate cafe (no surprises there!) and I had a wonderful cinnamon and orange hot chocolate whilst looking out over the cathedral and the streets below. This was no ordinary day as only a few hour earlier to coming into town I had been glued to my laptop, constantly refreshing the page I was looking at. It was tracking the progress and whereabouts of a special certain someone who was coming to Canterbury that day. I am aware this makes me sound like a creepy stalker but I assure you, I am not. About 12 she was on the move, driving up the motorway (or should I say driven), heading our way. I was bouncing around with excitement at the prospect of seeing this marvelous lady. That wonderful lady was of course the Queen. She had been in Folkstone previously that morning, and was coming to Canterbury cathedral to unveil two statues of her and Philip to celebrate her diamond jubilee. We both stood for hours waiting to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Queen but to no avail. I was exceptionally downhearted, so Tal suggested going to the chocolate cafe to cheer me up. It had worked but I was still rather upset until I checked my phone to see that the Queen had arrived and was within the walls of the cathedral. The front gates of the cathedral were closed but there was a slight gap that myself and little six year old George were able to look through. After about twenty minutes of standing looking through the gap, I was rewarded with my first glimpse of a beautiful blue/turquoise/teal outfit walking down the path from the cathedral. I had not only just had a glimpse of Her Majesty the Queen but she was also wearing my favourite colour! I am in no way ashamed to say that I cried, and cried and couldn't stop crying. We walked towards the not-so-secret exit that the the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh would be leaving through. I thankfully managed to stop the waterworks upon arriving. I wouldn't have wanted Elizabeth to see me with puffy watery eyes now, would I? We waited for twenty minutes but again were rewarding with seeing both the Queen and the Due of Edinburgh leave in their gorgeous Bentley. I had to take a video because I knew I would miss getting a picture as my hands were shaking like crazy but I can now say that I have saw one of my all time favourite people and was only two metres away from her at one point! And less than a metre away from the Duke of Edinburgh who had the biggest smile on his face I have ever seen and was waving away at the crowds. 

Looking out for the Queen 

Whilst waiting we got interviewed for the local paper!

Can you see anything?

(First three photos from Canterbury Times)

My half finished yummy hot chocolate

The wait was finally over!!

The unveiled diamond jubilee statues

The past few days since the Queen's visit have been rather quiet in comparison but Tal and I decided we would take a trip to Herne Bay on Saturday to get us away from the stresses of work and being on campus. We had such a wonderful day having chips on the beach (only downside is there are no sandy beaches around here), went for a walk along the pier, played mini golf which I was absolutely awful at and had some ice cream before heading back to finish off some work and watch '1 Million Ways to Die in the West'. If you don't mind a bit of crude humor then this is the comedy for you, it's honestly hilarious. It was my second time watching the film but I still loved it second time around.
Sunday was spent doing some more work and my weekly Skype back home to ma familia which never fails to put a smile on my face and have my sides split in two as they are just so brilliant and hilarious! I honestly cannot wait to go home to see them all again (only 14 days!!!). It was then my turn to pick the movie on Sunday night so I picked yet another childhood classic: The Lion King. It had been years since I had last watched it so stayed up to after 3am watching it but didn't quite manage to make it the entire way through as tiredness just took over.

Strike a pose!

Concentration face...

The pier at Herne Bay; still lovely despite a wet and windy day

And that brings you up to today, which will just be another library day like yesterday as I haven't had any lectures the past two days. Tune back in a couple of days when I will telling my experience about cutting up my hair for the wonderful Little Princess Trust. 

Until next time,
Catherine xxx

Shuffle of the week: Lauren Aquilina - Wonder (Lauren's quite a newish artist so do check her out!)

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