Sunday 1 March 2015

Run Forrest Run


It's such a beautiful day. seeing a blue sky and having the sun shine in the window always puts a big smile on my face!
Again it's been a while since my last blog, apologies yet again. The past week has been rather relaxed, a nice change to the usual!

I've been rather lax with my exercising this week having missed all of my classes (one due to having other plans and the other due to feeling poorly) but I did take a physical training session on Thursday and amazingly, went running! If any of you know me well, I am the most unfit and laziest person about so this was quite a revelation for me. My housemate Kirsty had been trying for quite some time to convince me to go running with her so I finally gave in, completing 2.4 miles in under half an hour. Not bad for someone who can't run the length of herself!

Thursday also so my first event with Kent Marrow; a recruitment event. Kent Marrow do some ground work for the charity Anthony Nolan, trying to get people to join the stem cell register. I feel it is a great organisation to be involved in and I actually signed myself up for it, even though I'm terrified of needles. If I can manage to put myself through a couple of injections and a needle in my arm for a small fraction of my lifetime so that someone else can live, then I don't see why I wouldn't do it. If you're interested to find out more, then have a look here to visit the Anthony Nolan website.

I'll keep this blog short and sweet but stay tuned for more interesting and exciting posts to come.

Until next time,
Catherine xxx

Shuffle of the week: Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind

1 comment:

  1. Love you and your wee blog, so proud of you for the Kent Marrow exploits too :) Plus good tune as your shuffle of the week!
